When can you see a rainbow?
Well mostly after a rain, but that's not the deal, a rainbow can occur when there are water drops in the air and sunlight shining from behind. Water drops mostly occur after a rain that's why rainbow usually appear after a rainbow.
Colors of rainbow
In 1672 Newton named five colors of the rainbow (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet), he later included two more colors (Orange and Indigo). But the truth is that a rainbow is composed of the entire spectrum of colors and not only that, it also include impossible colors (colors that we can't see such as red-green).
Other types of rainbow
Multiple Rainbow
Multiple or Double rainbow are caused by double reflection of sunlight inside the raindrops. Most people usually can't see them because they are fainter than the primary bow. The second bow has an inverted color (picture above).
Monochrome Rainbow
Occasionally a shower may happen at sunrise or sunset, where the shorter wavelengths like blue and green have been scattered and essentially removed from the spectrum. Further scattering may occur due to the rain, and the result can be the rare and dramatic monochrome rainbow.
Reflected Rainbow
Fire Rainbow
Fire Rainbows are not rainbow or fire, they are "Halo" but mostly known as a rainbow because of its color.
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